Property Shortcuts

Adding multiple Properties with similar settings

In practice, many properties have identical configurations. Rather than duplicate these, Hydrator::addProperties() simplifies the creation of similar properties.

addProperties() takes two arguments. The first is a list of properties. Elements of this list can be:

  • the property name
  • an array of [sourceName, targetName] for mapping an external name to a class property
  • a Property object.

The second argument is a list of calls to Property methods: ['methodname' => argument]. If the argument parameter is an array, the array is unpacked and passed to the method.

Class A implements Hydratable

    public function hydrate($json, $options = []): bool
        if (!isset(self::$hydrator)) {
            self::$hydrator = Hydrator::make()
                        ['hyphenated-example', 'hyphenatedExample']
                        'require' => true,
                        'validate' => function ($value) {
                            return is_numeric($value);
        return self::$hydrator->hydrate($this, $json, $options);


Configuring a Property from an array

The Property::set() method takes a list of calls to Property methods: ['methodname' => argument]. If the argument parameter is an array, the array is unpacked and passed to the method.

$property = Property::make('example')
            'require' => true,
            'validate' => function ($value) {
                return is_numeric($value);